Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Crazy Kind of Love

The old adage says, Love is Blind. We've all known that friend who flakes out on their friends everytime they find a relationship, turns into a spineless lump and generally just drops off the earth. You know, whipped. Everyone has one. When we as humans are in love, we tell our logical, rational side to take a hike and start doing things we'd never do before. Guys start holding purses, girls attend football games, if dating an athlete, or learn how to kill that zombie with one headshot if dating a gamer. You get the idea. People get so crazy in love, they start doing crazy things for love.

Philipians 2 says that Jesus, who was in very nature, God, came down from heaven and gave up his rights as a deity to come down and experience life on earth. As a carpenter, he experienced fatigue, smashing his finger with a hammer and those infuriating little splinters that get under your fingernails in a second and hurt for weeks afterward. I'm sure he probably stubbed his toe in the middle of the night, His human side struggled with sexual sin (gasp, i know.) He wept and grieved over the death of friends and was eventually betrayed by a close friend himself. By being flogged and crucified, Jesus faced one of the most painful deaths known to man. In fact, the pain felt by cruxificion victims was so horrible, they made up a new word for it: Excruciating. He died, not for himself but for the sins of the world, taking on my past, present and future sins and everyone else's who have lived, or ever will live. This was his purpose, in order to make us a way to God. Being both man and God, (some would say "God in a bod") Matthew 26: 53 says Jesus had the ability to call 12 legions ( a legion is 3000-6,000 men) of angels at any given point. In one instance in the old testament, 1 angel wiped out 10000 men! So then it wasn't his helplessness that weakened his body and it wasn't the nails that held him to the cross. It was his love. Subjecting himself willingly to torture was not Jesus' idea of a good time, nor did he want to do it. He wrestled with God, begging him to "take this cup" away from him (mattthew 26: 39). But still obedient to his purpose, Jesus says, "Not my will, but your will be done, Father."
It is very rare for a anyone to die for a righteous man, or even a good man. But Jesus died for us all; the good, bad, saints, liars, thieves, murderers, the haves and the have nots. Jesus knew we were all worth saving and he loves us. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". (John 15:13).

...It's crazy what some people do for love, huh?

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