Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I...can sing. pretty well. but up until a few years ago, i wouldn't have said it out loud. This problem is two-fold. Firstly, you have to understand that I am in love with my creator and savior, Jesus Christ. Being a christian means being humble, which we have incorrectly been taught means to be down on yourself and your talents. But why is that? Does recognizing greatness displease God? Definitely not! In fact, it's God who has given us these amazing talents in the first place! But somehow we have justified our false humility by being fearful of the sin of pride. Secondly, sharing something near and dear as my music terrifies me. It makes me vulnerable. Even if I love it, what if they don't? What if i come to find out I really have no talent at all? I have finally come to a realization. Get out there! God has given me talents, desires and passions that no one else in the world has.This also means that i have a unique purpose that only I am fully equipped to carry out. I have to live the life God has given me, which means using my talents and abilities to my utmost, in worship of the one who has given them to me.

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