Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Mask

This is a poem i wrote a few years ago. I took a few years to write it too. I have since shared it with a few friends and have been amazed that their comments have been so encouraging and that i was able to inspire them with my words. i feel like i've gone crazy sometimes, trying to impress everyone, trying to be something i'm not. i think everyone does it to some point, and it gets exhausting. God made you who he wanted you to be, and only when you realize that will you be truly happy. i think alot of people aren't truly happy.

The Mask By Becca Wynhamer

All of life is a stage, and I play my part flawlessly.
I wear a mask to hide myself. They wear masks to hide themselves.
The stage lights are bright against our white plastic masks.
Our voices ring loud and true, never missing a line.
The audience laughs and weeps and applauds, but it is just a play.
Their hearts connect with our script, so we read on.
But at the end the curtain goes down, and our masks are still on.

The mask is so heavy, pulling, pulling, pulling, me
Down, down, down
Until I cannot leap, until I cannot jump, until I cannot move,
Until I cannot live without the script.

The mask tears apart my soul.
The perfect white plastic tells me who I am.
It defines me.

On, on, on goes the play,
On, on, on drags my life.

I yearn for their applause.
I live for the play.

I want to remove this mask, this part of me.
I will my hands to move, to grasp.
But they refuse, they stay at my sides.

The mask is an old friend, behind it I can cry
And no one will see the tears.

The mask protects me, behind it I can hide.
No one sees who I truly am inside.

The perfect white plastic can be painted or dyed, whatever my part
According to the script.

The mask is all I’ve ever known. It tells me who I am.

I want to be free. I despise the mask.

I will my hands to move. I demand my fingers to grasp.
I pull, with all my strength.

It is agonizing.
The mask does not budge. It has been there for far too long.

I will my hands to move. I demand my fingers to grasp.
I pull, with all my strength.

It is agonizing.

Pain overcomes me. I pull.
Hurt overwhelms me. I pull.
Fears try and force me back. I pull.

I pull.

The mask is removed. I walk off stage. I am free.

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