Monday, November 11, 2013


I haven't written anything on here for such a  long time. I usually live life and forget about this,but sometimes you just need a place to bury the ugly feeling that threaten to overcome you like a merciless tidal wave. Writing for me is cathartic, even if I don't always have time for it. Even as these words are being typed, i feel a sense of relief; not because i feel "listened to" i just don't want to have all this inside of me anymore.

People are catty, and i'm so tired of it. I try and give people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes i wish people would just grow up. You don't need that, i don't care if you want it. Living on loans is not living at all. Living cheaper does not make me "less than" anymore than living expensively makes you "more than". The only difference is that my purchases don't follow me home. Stop thinking autonomy is synonymous with maturity, it isn't. Just because you don't know the difference doesn't mean there isn't one. Life is not a competition. Life is just life. And it's meant to be enjoyed with people, not over people. I don't live the life you live, because i don't want the live you live. If i'm spending hours at a kitchen table bettering my life for myself and my family, it's ok. i'm not going to die, in fact, a little hard work is good for everyone. Have I been known to work too hard sometimes? yes. i have. and i realize that. I am not immune to shortcomings, because no one is. not even you. Inspection should never be present without introspection because when you separate the two, pride is sure to follow. I get off track, and then i get back on track. Not always by myself, mind you, because enlisting the help of others is how God designed us to react in these situations. That being said, "enlisting help" doesn't mean airing out your dirty laundry for all the world to see on social networking sites. I would help you in a minute if you came and asked, but that is a decision that demands maturity, a trait which is clearly lacking in your posts. I don't care if it's for evidence or so you can show your friends how bad he is, believe me, we know! We told you not to date him in the first place, just because you are now seeing clearly does not mean our eyes weren't open the whole time. Its sad that I've been out of high school for 6 years and i still feel i'm there.I choose to live cheaper, and i feel i'm better off because of it, if you don't that's fine, but don't make me feel like i'm stupid because of it. If i can't afford it, credit isn't the way to go.Free money always comes with strings attached; it's never free. Money doesn't buy happiness, but i know I know i'm missing out. I'm missing out on APRs, interest fees, reaching my maximum balance and all sorts of fun things. Sometimes i feel bad cause I really would one day like to fill out a bankruptcy statement or something fun like that. But there I go, sometimes i'm catty too. I have a lot of growing up to do. But i wish you would come along-side me, instead of trampling over me, to try and reach the top together.

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